Purple Hat is a leading regional provider of outplacement and career transition services for individuals and small groups and teams.Our main office is near Cardiff, although we also undertake work across South Wales and the South West and the South Coast of England. Our aim is to offer a first class service which combines our expertise in understanding the employment market place with our proven track record of supporting individuals in modern jobsearch techniques.
Purple Hat is a division within Daniels Smalley Partnership Ltd which was established in 1998 and is an executive search business with a strong track record of success in the recruitment of C-Suite, VP's, senior managers and directors for organisations within the private and public sector.
Although executive recruitment remain a core part of our activities, we are also passionate about career transition and have also undertaking previously undertaken innovative programmes to support economic inactivity in the labour market, return to work programmes as well as over 25 years experience in career coaching and outplacement services for individuals within the private, public and not for profit sectors.
We offer personalised outplacement support for individuals at all levels of seniority in order to help you find direction in the current job market. We recognise that each person has different needs, circumstances and skills in job search.
The content and topics covered in your programme are always tailored to meet with your requirements for high quality support.
If you role is currently "at risk" or you are considering a negotiated exit from your employer, please contact us in confidence on 01656 856200